Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MASM For 64 Bit

Hi friends!!!!!
In this tutorial i'm going to show you how you can start executing the microprocessor program in windows 7 64 bit or any PC of 64 bit using MASM software. So below i have provided the download link of full masm64 bit zip folder which consists of a DOSBox 0.74 software and a named "masm" folder.
So first download it--> Extract the zip folder-->open the MASM64 folder--> Install DOSBox 0.74 windows 32 installer--> finish the software installation--> now copy (Ctrl+C) the "masm" name folder--> go to your C drive of computer-->Paste (Ctrl+V) it in this drive. That's it from this part.
Now go to your Desktop, here you can see that DOsBox shortcut---> Double click on it, and when the full window will get started then type
mount c c:\masm       /*Press Enter*/
c:               /*Press Enter*/

Now do the similar process whatever you do in your regular practice Labs. i.e,
edit program_name.asm
masm program_name.asm;
link program_name.obj:
afdebug program_name.exe;

and so on........
Now Download the MASM Folder from below 
 Ok, Downloading over? 
If You are Unable to do so then watch the above video with one example of a program and the whole procedure from the beginning.
Thank You.
By- Citystudetsgroup

1 comment:

  1. The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86(32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher. This is my error message,I am using 64-bit.


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